Beautiful Empowered You

Abby Rose Creations has partnered with Beautiful Empowered YOU! on different levels over the past year. I have come to love and respect Lana and this organization and believe in their vision wholeheartedly.

Lana runs Beautiful Empowered YOU! with her daughter, Ella. They believe that empowered women empower women and the younger we learn that the better!! 

Credentials: Lana is a Certified Life Coach that specializes in kids, and she has a certificate in Childhood Anxiety. She is also a mom of three and as a child, she had severe anxiety and stressed herself out so much that she ended up sleeping for three months with mono by the end of grade 9.

Ella is there to keep Lana in line and remind her that kids her age can’t read cursive and other amazingly helpful things!!! It has been so awesome to see her grow as a person and entrepreneur!

How they got started:
"Late one Friday night a mom in one of my mommy groups posted a heartbreaking story about how her daughter was being brutally bullied and she didn’t have the words to help her. She had been bullied all of her life and had zero confidence in herself. The advice she was getting was terrible to say the least. I felt sick. I couldn’t sleep. All I kept thinking was SOMEONE needs to help this woman and her daughter!!! About 2am a 💡in my brain went off and I thought “well you are life coach dummy, maybe you could help them” so I went downstairs and started writing and planning. Ella woke up around 6am and told her all about the post and my thoughts and she dove right in to help, tweaking some ideas and adding her own!"

What they do:
"We do weekly clubs for kids and Funshops (which are like workshops, only waaaay more fun!), now birthday parties that all focus on confidence, supporting and managing anxiety, how to have a healthy relationship with yourself and others and much more!

I also do one on one Personal Empowerment Sessions with kids and speaking at schools or for sports teams!" 

Our values:
"If you are interested in any of our programs, but money is a little tight right now, talk to me. All we really want to do is help kids."